I'm kidding, we didn't actually break any records, but it was PRETTY GOOD.
There were a few notable moments. The first that comes to mind was this group of guys who played this song that may or may not have been called "Voodoo Child." I don't think any of them were Jimi Hendrix, but that only put them at a slight disadvantage because one of them was still a guitar player and they were all alive. Anyway, they were ridiculous. The guitar player soloed the whole time, WHICH I HATE, but instead of hating it this time I LOVED IT. And the singer had a ton of hair.
Another great moment came from the cello player/frontman of Dejesus. For some reason we put him on last, so by that time I was like "ugghh, I wanna go homeee." But when he started playing I was like, "ugghh, this is grreeaat." His band is actually going to be the feature tomorrow night. So if any of you who read the blog (Matt) want to, like, see them or whatever, you should totally come.
The feature for last week was Mike Bell and the Tom Hanks. It was a guy, he played guitar, he brought friends. It was good. Then we ran into him at a bar on Friday night. It was embarrassing for everyone involved. I took this picture of him there:

Uhhh, what else. Luke Giordano did comedy. He does it every week. "I'm here every week, folks." He could say that if he wanted to.
So every Thursday I send out these Facebook messages telling people to come to LNS. They're always really great -- funny, informative, etc. -- but I was never sure if they actually brought people out to the show. But last week, and I hope Nick Anselmo is reading this, one guy ACTUALLY ATTRIBUTED MY MESSAGE TO HIS BEING THERE BEFORE HE STARTED PLAYING. So, you know, next time anyone thinks the only things I contribute to LNS are these self-indulgent blog entries, I'd have to ask them to THINK AGAIN PLEASE.
Well, I hope to see you all (Matt) tomorrow.