A ton people came to last week's Late Night Series and none of them drank the coffee. What's the deal, guys?
I guess a lot of them were probably there for the Michael Isley (pronounced is-ley) Band, who were our feature that night, and not for the free terrible coffee. Whatever.
They were kind of like Maroon 5 or The Fray. Unless that's insulting. Then I guess they were like the Talking Heads or the Clash. Their band name is like the Dave Matthews Band's. And their initials are like the Men In Black's. Or Michael Ian Black's. Whoever they're like, they brought like a million girls with them, so I guess they're doing fine.

We thought maybe they were going to break our stage because there were five of them and they were jumping around and being all animated and stuff, but they did not break our stage and instead they just rocked the house. And after the show was over they and their million friends hung around and were skateboarding INDOORS. It made everyone feel like they were in an Avril Lavigne video and we were all grateful.
The rest of the show was pretty good, too. There was a girl whose name I forget who played guitar and sang with a few guys playing bongos and harmonica and stuff. She was good at singing and sounded like Michelle Branch.
Simply D did some comedy and made everyone feel awkward.
And, saving the best news for last, Josh, Jon, and I played Scrabble!

Josh won, I came in second, and Jon was mad the whole time. It was great!
The End