Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Oh, hey

Welcome to the brand new Late Night Series:Philadelphia blog. Yeah, we're hip. We blog. What can we say. 
For those of you who don't know what LNS is, well, let me tell you. First of all, it isn't a soft-core porn clip show on HBO. Sorry. It's actually a weekly open mic event that happens every Thursday at 8:30 in Drexel University's Creese Center. That's not to say that we're, you know, like, some Drexel University thing. No-no-no. I don't even go to Drexel University*. We showcase artists from all around Philadelphia and the surrounding areas -- everyone's welcome. And there's free coffee. I make it. Sometimes it's decent. Most times it's not. But it's free! Also there's Scrabble. 

So anyway, I'm Kelly. I'll be blogging about LNS stuff. 

*Yes I do. 

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